Irrigation and Water Management

Water conservation is a primary concern for Green By Design. In some cases the high cost of water can significantly affect the financial viability of a property. As part of the maintenance contract, Green By Design routinely inspects irrigation systems for any obvious leaks or other deficiencies. We program timers seasonally and turn off systems during prolonged rains. Green by Design offers additional services which can aid in the reduction of water usage, such as irrigation system audits, design improvements, system tune-ups, plant selection and conversions from lawns to low water use landscapes. We also aid in the application process for obtaining grants for landscape conversions from municipalities.

Maintaining irrigation systems is an effective way to reduce wasted water through run-off, evaporation and over-irrigating. Inspecting and repairing the systems for leaking valves or pipes, broken or missing heads, clogged nozzles, seal leaks and sunken or tilted heads is essential to the maintenance of irrigation systems.

TLC employs numerous management tools to aid in the effective and efficient management of irrigation systems and water usage. Timer Program sheets are used to document the schedules and run times of each timer. Each sheet documents the timer brand and specifications, each zone and what type of system it is as well as other information to aid in the management of the irrigation system. Mapping of timers, valves and backflows gives a useful pictorial tool that gives a snap shot of the system.